1·Objective: To evaluate the outcome of mitral valve reconstruction in the early and mid period.
2·Huizhou salty merchants that started from the early mid period of Ming Dynasty have played a very important role in the developing progress from the very beginning to the peak of this group.
3·In overall shape, the J-20 is most similar to the mid-1990s-vintage Russian MiG 1.44 prototype and Lockheed Martin's Joint Advanced Strike Technology concept from roughly the same period.
在整体外观上,J - 20更像是90年代中期的俄制米格1.44原型机,或者是同时期的洛克希德·马丁生产的JAST(联合先进打击技术)概念机。
4·And you know, we've been through this kind of period before; I remember how depressed everyone was in the mid-70s, and yet we found new sources of dynamism.
5·Koch Chemical promoted her to a permanent position after her trial period expired in mid-2008, court records show.
6·In addition, we will ask all developed countries to reduce emissions by at least 80% in the same period and underpin these efforts through robust and comparable mid-term reductions.
7·Between 2001 and mid-2008 Brazil experienced a long period of growth with low inflation, something it never managed in its earlier stop-start period.
8·Sir Alan said this week that he had always intended to serve for only a short period to oversee the forecasting for the first budget; his three-month contract expires in mid-August.
9·High heels continue to feature prominently in her wardrobe through her late 30s and up until her mid 40s - the period when many women are building a successful career.
10·The population of the island is believed to have varied from 40,000 to 60,000 in the period from initial settlement until the mid-19th century.
从开始定居时到19 世纪中期,冰岛人口已经从 40,000 增长到了 60,000。